A day at Eastern Beach - 1/2/18
On a Sunny day we went to Eastern beach.
When we first got there I really wanted to
swim because the waves were big and they
kinda looked like the waves was going to go
over you.
While I was waiting for the feed to start I
went with my cousins to the sand and
started making sandcastles and digging
toys. Well I was playing in the sand I saw
my mum walking to me and when she got
to me she asked me if I have swam yet and I said no.
A few minutes after my mum arrived the
feed started and we passed around the
plates and cups. After we said prayer my
Aunty moved to another group and ate
there instead of sitting with her family.
Next I changed into my swimming clothes
with my baby cousins so we can go swim.
When we got to the water we stopped
because my baby cousin is only 1.
When the waves come I lifted her
up and she laughed.
When her mum came and I told her
that she is cold, she took her and
they went and changed her. When
she went I swam to my cousins and
friends on the deep side. When I got
there a big wave came and I jumped.
When we were playing game the boys
started climbing on the the older boys
shoulders so they can jump off and
then then the girls did the same thing,
but there was a little cliff on the far side
of the beach and some of them did bombs
there and some of them got hurt because
there were rocks there. After we swam
we ate Ice blocks and then we went home.
It will be a moment that I will remember. 
It is great to know that you have that moment within you Silia. Admire them and enjoy them well as it is a part of your journey. I am happy that you enjoyed your day at Eastern Beach.