
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Lent Calender - Acts of Kindness

I’m going to clean up my clothes for my mum and I because my mum has been asking me to clean my  clothes because it is everywhere and it needs to be cleaned.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Silent Reading

Silent Reading

I read from 13-20

My Summary
Ainsley's Mum told Ainesly to go and teach people how to fold towels because the person that was going to teach them burnt her finger but Ainsley didn't know how to fold towels but luckily her mum put a book about folding towels on her bed. Anisley's mum said that going to do a part on the show but all shes going to do is sleep on the stage until the show is over and when the show is over then shes going to wake up and stretch and then wave to the audience and then get off the stage.

TO BE CONTINUED........................